So as not to be confused, recognize the cause of the middle stomach pain

 So as not to be confused, recognize the cause of the middle stomach pain

by fastsong

Middle abdominal pain can be caused by various kinds of problems. Starting from gas or bloating, to more serious conditions such as inflammation of the intestine or Crohn disease. Abdominal pain can be in the form of cramps, blunt, intermittent, or sharp.

Limited local pain in one abdominal area often occurs due to problems with certain organs. Want to know what causes this condition? Check out more in the following discussion.

Causes of middle abdominal pain

Pain such as cramps can be associated with diarrhea, constipation, or flatulence. In women, this can be associated with menstruation, miscarriage, or reproductive complications.

This pain comes and goes, and can disappear by itself without treatment. Viral infections, bacteria, or parasites that affect the stomach and intestinal can also cause significant abdominal pain.

Here are some of the causes of middle stomach pain:

1. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Abdominal pain related to IBS can be worse after eating or if you are stressed. If you have IBS, you will experience symptoms such as diarrhea or constipation and bloating, but do not cause bleeding or weight loss.

2. Constipation

You may experience sharp gas pain that occurs throughout the abdominal area if constipation is the cause of the middle stomach pain that you experience. People who experience constipation or constipation often feel bloated and stupid, and their stomachs even look distended.

3. Gastric ulcer

Gastric ulcer is a wound in the abdominal layer or the first part of the small intestine. This can cause a burning sensation that is similar to hunger. Other symptoms include nausea, vomiting or heartburn.

4. Pancreatitis

Another cause of middle stomach pain is pancreatitis, which is inflammation of the pancreas. This is a severe and sharp pain that occurs in the upper middle abdomen which can sometimes spread to the back or chest.

The sufferer may also experience other symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and fever. Pancreatitis can occur as a sudden acute attack or chronic condition.

5. Crohn disease

Crohn disease is a type of chronic inflammatory intestinal disease (IBD). This inflammation can occur at the end of the small intestine or in the large intestine.

6. Inflammation of the appendix

Inflammation of the appendix can occur due to clogging the appendix, so that bacteria pile up in it. In the early stages, the symptoms of this condition can be in the form of middle stomach pain.

How to handle it?

Middle abdominal pain has a variety of causes and treatment choices. Some conditions may require surgery. However, if the cause is a stomach ulcer or infection, the doctor will overcome it with drugs.

If you do not know the cause of abdominal pain, it is important to find out, especially if it does not disappear by itself. Remember that even light cases can be serious.

  • However, if the middle stomach pain is related to digestion, you can start by treating yourself by:

  • Rest the intestine. Stop eating, or just eat foods that are easily digested like bananas.
  • Hydration. Drink lots of water.
  • Heat therapy. Try compressing using a bottle of warm water or soaking in a bathtub.
  • Home medicine. Like licorice to deal with bloating, ginger for indigestion, or peppermint to help relax the intestinal muscles.

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