Help quickly recover, this is a type of food for vomiting

 Help quickly recover, this is a type of food for vomiting

by fastsong

Muntaber is a disease that attacks digestion. The cause can be viruses, bacteria or parasites. As a result of the infection, the stomach experiences inflammation, causing symptoms in the form of diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and stomach cramps.

So that the symptoms do not get worse, you certainly should not eat carelessly. Well, there are some foods that are recommended for you to eat during vomiting. Porridge, for example. This food is safe because the taste is not too strong and the texture is soft so the stomach is easy to digest it.

Foods that are safe for consumption during vomiting

Here are the types of food that you are safe for consuming during vomiting:

1. Food bland

When vomiting, you should choose food that tastes not too strong or tend to be bland. Because, food that tastes quite complex can further irritate the intestine. Examples of lightweight bland foods digested by the intestine, namely:

Hot cereals, such as oatmeal, wheat cream, or rice porridge.

  • Banana.
  • Ordinary white rice.
  • Bread or toast.
  • Boiled potato.
  • Crackers without seasoning.
  • Food in a little portion but often so that digestion does not work too heavy.

2. Probiotics

In addition to bland food, probiotics also include foods that you can consume. In fact, this food helps the healing process, you know! The reason, probiotics help add good bacteria in the intestine to fight bad bacteria. Some probiotic foods, for example miso, yogurt and kefir.

3. Expand liquid

Fluid is also important for recovery of muntaber. The sufferer needs to drink an additional cup of water after every bowel movement or vomiting. The goal is to prevent dehydration and remove toxins out of the body.

In addition to water, the body also loses minerals and electrolytes due to vomiting and diarrhea. That's why you should choose liquid containing minerals and electrolytes to replace the lost fluid. You can get it from soup broth, coconut water and ORS.

Food abstinence during vomiting

There are also several types of food that you abstinerate during vomiting. This is so that the symptoms you experience do not get worse and help the healing process. Launching from Healthline, foods that can worsen diarrhea, namely:

  • Milk and processed products, except yogurt and kefir;
  • Fried food and oily food;
  • Spicy food;
  • Processed food;
  • Pork and beef;
  • Sardine;
  • Raw vegetables;
  • Onion;
  • Corn;
  • All types of oranges or fruit that have a sour taste;
  • Alcohol;
  • Coffee, soda and caffeinated drinks or other carbonations;

Foods or drinks that contain artificial sweeteners.

In addition to these treatments, you also need to take drugs prescribed by doctors. If the cause is parasites or bacteria, then the treatment is with antibiotics. While vomiting because the drug virus uses antivirus.

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